All Florida-licensed LPNs, RNs, and APRNs are now in a 24-month renewal cycle and must complete 24 hours of appropriate continuing education during each renewal period. The 24 hours must include two (2) hours on Prevention of Medical Errors, two (2) hours in Laws and Rules that govern the practice of Nursing, (2) hours in recognizing impairment in the workplace and every other biennium thereafter (every 4 years), effective August 1, 2017 and two (2) hours on Human Trafficking, as defined in s.787.06(2), F.S., effective October 1, 2017. HIV/AIDS is now a one-time, 1- hour CE requirement to be completed prior to the first renewal. Domestic Violence (DV) CE is now a 2 hour requirement every third renewal (every 6 years). Since Domestic Violence (DV) is a 2-hour requirement, the licensee will have 26 hours of CE during the renewal period when DV is taken.
How many contact hours do I need for a full biennium?