What does Graduate Nurse Status mean?

This status allows the holder to practice nursing under the direct supervision of a Registered Nurse if they meet the following qualifications:

  • It has not been more than three months since you have graduated from an approved program
  • You have been authorized by the Board to practice as a graduate nurse or graduate practical nurse and have received a “Graduate Nurse” or “Graduate Practical Nurse” letter
  • You have been authorized to test by the examination vendor

Any applicant who fails to appear for the first examination for which they have been made eligible shall not practice nursing until such time as the applicant passes the NCLEX examination. Only RN applicants by examination who have been approved by the board may use the term “Graduate Nurse” or the abbreviation “G.N.”.  Only PN applicants by examination may use the term Graduate Practical Nurse or the abbreviation “G.P.N.”.  GN and GPN statuses expire at the date listed on the Graduate Nurse letter or when the applicant takes the examination, whichever comes first.