Florida is a member of the enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC). The eNLC allows a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licensed in a Compact state to practice across state lines in another Compact state without having to obtain a license in the other state. It is important to remember that the eNLC requires nurses to adhere to the nursing practice laws and rules of the state in which he/she practices under his/her Compact license. If a nurse moves from one state to another and establishes residency, the nurse must apply for licensure in that state. Please visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website (www.ncsbn.org) for a list of states that have implemented the Compact. If a party state issues a temporary permit or temporary license to an endorsee, that permit or license shall confer the same rights and privileges of nursing practice as does the permanent license among party states. Nursys will not track temporary licenses and employer must verify licensure directly from the state issuing the temporary permit/license. For more information provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing about the eNLC click https://www.ncsbn.org/compacts.page.
What is the enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact?