FBON Centennial Celebration

Posted in Latest News on May 30, 2013.

Ms. Sherri Sutton-Johnson (Education Director), Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker (Chair), Mr. Joe Baker (Executive Director), Dr. Claydell Horne (former Board Member) and Ms. Vickie Boyd (Regulatory Supervisor)

Ms. Sherri Sutton-Johnson (Education Director), Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker (Chair), Mr. Joe Baker (Executive Director), Dr. Claydell Horne (former Board Member) and Ms. Vickie Boyd (Regulatory Supervisor)

Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker (Chair) and Ms. Lavigne Kirkpatrick (Vice-Chair)

Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker (Chair) and Ms. Lavigne Kirkpatrick (Vice-Chair)

Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker, Chair of the Florida Board of Nursing (FBON), kicked-off the Board’s Centennial Celebration in Tallahassee on March 19th by presenting a Gubernatorial Proclamation declaring 2013 as the Florida Board of Nursing Centennial.  In issuing the Proclamation, Florida Governor Rick Scott stated, “the FBON is recognized for one hundred years of dedicated work toward protection of the public through the regulation of nursing”.  Board members and staff also highlighted the Centennial and the board’s new website at the Capitol on March 20th with an information booth.

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