In recognition of one hundred years of dedicated work and contributions to health care made by nurses each day toward the protection of public health, Florida’s State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. John H. Armstrong, Deputy Secretary of Administration J. Martin Stubblefield, former Education Director Kathy Wheeler, ARNP, MSN, Executive Director Joe Baker, Jr., and staff celebrated the beginning of Nurses’ Week 2013 and the Florida Board of Nursing’s Centennial anniversary on Monday, May 6, 2013.
National Nurses’ Week is celebrated annually from National Nurses’ Day on May 6th through the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, on May 12th. National Nurses’ Week is a time to reflect on the important contributions that nurses make to provide safe, high-quality health care, stand as patient advocates, inform and education the public to improve the health and safety of patients, and impact the everyday lives of patients.
“The Centennial celebration for the Florida Board of Nursing is truly an important and historic event,” said Chair of the Florida Board of Nursing Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker. “It is a time to reflect on the roots of nursing in Florida and to come together to assure excellent patient care for all of the people of Florida.”
The Florida Board of Nursing would like to thank all of Florida’s nurses for their contributions to patient care. Stay tuned to this website for additional information about how the Florida Board of Nursing’s Centennial Year will be celebrated.