Search Results for "nursing florida"

What is the difference between a background check used for employment screening and a background screening used for licensing/certification purposes?

For licensure or certification by the Board of Nursing, all criminal offenses are screened and reviewed prior to licensure or certification. For employment background screening, the employer uses a specified list of disqualifying offenses pursuant to Chapter 435 and Section … Continue reading

What if I fail part of the exam three times?

You must complete a Board approved CNA training program (full 120 hour program) and retake both parts of the exam. You can find a list of approved training programs at

How do I change my name?

Name changes require legal documentation showing the name change. To change your name, please submit supporting documents, which must be one of the following: (Any one of these will be accepted unless the department has a question about the authenticity … Continue reading

Who may make a report to the Intervention Project for Nurses? (IPN)

Any person suspecting impairment of a nurse’s ability to provide safe nursing care may report this nurse to the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and/or IPN. Under Florida’s Mandatory Reporting Law, all licensed nurses must report any suspected impairment in … Continue reading

Where can I find the minutes from the latest meeting?

The minutes from our Board Meetings can be found on our website at: Past Meeting Information and Materials

What is the process for C.N.A. program renewal?

CNA programs must be renewed every two years. You may access the renewal application here. The director/coordinator listed on the renewal form must be the person that will submit your school list, unless otherwise indicated. Your renewal application can be … Continue reading

What is the process for placing programs on probation?

Approved or accredited nursing education programs that perform below the minimum standard for NCLEX passage rates for two consecutive calendar years will be placed on probation pursuant to section 464.019(5), Florida Statutes. NCLEX scores for the previous calendar year are released … Continue reading

Will my choice of attending one rather than the other impact my eligibility to sit for the licensing examination?

Graduates of both approved and accredited nursing education programs are eligible to apply to the Florida Board of Nursing for licensure by examination. Accredited programs included on the Florida Board of Nursing’s comparative website are programs that have a physical … Continue reading

How can I find out about requesting an exemption?

Licensees employed or seeking employment with a health care facility licensed by the Agency for Health Care Administration may find more information regarding exemptions, and the exemption applications at

Education and Training Programs

The Florida Board of Nursing (Board) approves new pre-licensure nursing education programs that meet the application requirements specified in Section 464.019, Florida Statutes. This Section of Florida law also defines the Board's regulatory authority over established nursing education programs. Consumers … Continue reading